The Hillsdale County Community Foundation is proud to partner with the Stanton Foundation to promote and administer a recognition program for teachers in Hillsdale County, Michigan. As a result of the generosity of The Stanton Foundation, one Hillsdale County teacher has been the recipient of a $10,000 award as Teacher of the Year every year since 2012.
The award recognizes educators in Hillsdale County who are known for going above and beyond the standard requirements and job duties associated with being a teacher, enriching the lives of their students and showing dedication to their school and community.

Hillsdale, Michigan – September 15, 2020
The Stanton Foundation and the Hillsdale County Community Foundation is pleased to announce the finalists of 2020 Hillsdale County Teacher of the Year award. Kim Salsbury, Jonesville Community Schools Agri-science instructor, was chosen to receive the ninth annual Teacher of the Year Award, which included a $15,000 cash award. Matt McKelvey, Hillsdale Area Career Center Welding instructor, operating under the Hillsdale County Intermediate School District, has received the runner-up award in the amount of $7,500. In addition, two educators were selected for special honorable mention awards including a $1,000 cash award: Reading Community Schools Industrial Arts teacher Barrie Gostlin and Will Carleton Academy Special Education teacher Char Cole.

2017 Winner Amy Goldsmith ($10,000)
2017 Runner-Up Nick Tucker ($5,000)

2016 Winner Josh Sholler ($10,000)
2016 Runner-Up Jennifer Duff ($5,000)

2015 Winner Chip Patterson ($10,000)
2015 Runner-Up Lora Glei-Dietz ($5,000)

2014 Winner Sumer Wells ($10,000)
2014 Runner-Up David Follis ($5,000)

2013 Winner Mindy Eggleston ($10,000)

2012 Winner Brianna Crall ($10,000)
Celebrating the winners - congratulations!